Our mission
Mobilising volunteers, uplifting local confidence, leave no one behind,

On the 25th April 2015, a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal which claimed over 9000 lives and injured 23,000 and caused mass destruction to houses and in some areas, whole villages. The continuous aftershocks left 3million people homeless and in need of food, shelter and clean water, and months later hundreds of thousands of people still remain without a home.

Jay Nepal is an action-based humanitarian team that is officially registered as an NGO in Nepal, as well as a sister NGO (onlus) in Rome, Italy. We are a volunteer-based, apolitical and non-religious, group working on post-earthquake responses, relief and recovery in communities across Nepal.

The progress Jay Nepal has made on the ground, in the aftermath of the earthquakes, has created not only a very positive reaction from the Nepali people, but also an awareness and engagement in action for the younger Nepali generation.


Reacting quickly with just a handful of untrained volunteers, Jay Nepal was able to demolish 104 structures and save many lives. It was apparent that a professional training course had to be set-up, not only to protect the volunteers ...


When you rebuild something you have the chance to make things BETTER than they used to be and the commitment to transforming people’s needs into opportunities is an essential prerequisite for it...


This is an ambitious program that was born out of the need of the people of Bodgaun, one of the poorest villages badly hit by the earthquake. Making more than 20 trips demolishing and building shelters, the life of the villagers were basic but not better...
More than 1000
local and international volunteers involved, who commit their expertise, experience, time and energy;
More than 2000
People who were given a safe and secure shelter housing;
More than 400
Villages and small centers visited in which were carried out actions for safety of housing and shelters building;

Are you ready to volunteer?

start one of our program today and help people in need